Ruins of Borgoforte’s castle
Anguillara Veneta (PD)
The ruins of Borgoforte’s castle in Anguillara Veneta are of Medieval origin and emerge from the water near the flood plain when the river Adige has low water periods.
These are the remains of an artifact of Medieval origin that was not actually a castle, but more properly a fortress, a fortified place dating back to at least the 14th century (but the presence of two towers safeguarding Padua’s border area is already recorded in 1289).
The fortress was the scene of repeated battles between the Da Carrara, lords of Padua, and the Republic of Venice for the control of these lands. Torn down in 1374, it was rebuilt by the people of Padua in 1378 and then definitively taken and destroyed by the Venetians in 1405.
Address: in the bed of the river Adige, frazione di Borgoforte, Comune di Anguillara Veneta (PD)